(38 days until the 2012 WHPSC)
Rough trim of the foam (which cured perfectly without polyethylene sheeting)
Looks kind of like landing gear doors
This sign ended up in our yard several moons ago. My guess is that some tweakers stole it thinking it was aluminum. When they discovered it was, drum roll please, FIBERGLASS, they probably hucked it over the nearest fence.
... looks like a decent form
More spray foam
We decided the top of the nose was too flat, so...
... it's not flat now!
After the foam on the tail kicked
Before trimming the tail
... and after trimming
After taping
Mmm... fiberglass!
Getting ready to layup the first side
Applying the first patch of mat
Wetting out a patch
Applying a patch to the very back of the tail
... and another
Dad makes this look easy (the little bit of glass work that I've done resulted in much more material on me and the floor than on the part I was working on).
One of the last patches - time to glass the other side
... and the other side
Meanwhile, at the mill...
TIGHT fit (makes for easy welding ;-)