Making The Body

(10 days until the 2012 WHPSC)

"Wax on... Wax off..."

Dad spraying white gel coat in right mold half...

... and left half

Pat helping dad strain gel coat

Did you notice the white stripes in each mold? They were covered with masking tape before the white gel coat was sprayed. Then the tape was pulled, and everything was sprayed with black gel coat.

Masking tape was also applied to the canopy areas of each half. After white gel coat was applied, the masking tape was removed prior to the application of black gel coat.

Right half is now completely covered in black

... as is the left half

Side by side

Trimming biaxial glass in preparation for the layup of the right side

Canopy area

From the front

Right half after layup with biaxial glass and 2mm core mat

Canopy area

From the front

Closeup showing 2mm core mat and biaxial glass

After trimming the edge

From the back

Front canopy area

Upper nose area

Lower nose area