(8 days until the 2012 WHPSC)
The poplar battens are now glassed in
Battens in right half of body
Closeup of upper batten
The tooling plug is back! Time to make a cradle
Dad masking the bottom of the upside-down tooling plug
Hand brushed with clear gel coat
After glassing with mat and cloth
There's a brief window of opportunity where you can trim fiberglass with a razor knife before the resin becomes too stiff. A lot less itch this way!
Trimming complete
From the back
Dad brushing honey, er, uh... resin on the cradle base...
... followed by mishmash
Cradle resting on the base - now we wait for the mishmash to cure
While we're waiting, we couldn't resist taping the body halves together
It's not food - Annie is indifferent
Annie sees an opportunity to lean on Dad
If I fail at Battle Mountain, we can always squeeze an engine in somewhere and try our luck at Bonneville
The approximate location of the right body half with respect to me and the subframe