(3 days until the 2012 WHPSC)
'Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here.' - John Swigert, Jr.
Dad cut the windshield area out of the canopy. I hopped in to check the visibility. To our horror, I can't see the ground!
After some brainstorming, Dad grabbed a piece of aluminum and started snacking on a shot bag, wheeling it, and shrinking it.
Yup, we're raising the roof!
After cutting out the roof
Dad holding the roof augmentation in place while Pat texts his friends something to the effect of "You're not going to believe what these knuckle-heads just did!"
Preliminary bonding with high fiber
Preliminary bonding complete
Side shot of new profile
Head-on shot of new profile
No one remembered to get a picture of the fiberglass on the inside of the canopy, but Dad glassed in the aluminum dish with the same biaxial glass that we used on the rest of the body. Then he started applying and shaping Bondo
Head-on shot after first Bondo
Side shot after first Bondo
Final slick coat of Bondo
He makes this look easy
After some sanding
We estimate the roof is now about 1-1/4" taller now
The look on my face says is all
I can see the nose as well as down around the sides
Whew! What a relief!
The other thing I've been dreading was the fit check of the pedals. The cranks I'm using are a little wider than the track cranks I originally planned on using, so I was unsure whether my feet would clear the flanges and battens.
Pat posing for the photo that is going in the full-color, glossy brochure.
And I'm pleased to report...
... there's just enough room for my feet!